Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Crowdfunding Experts

Crowdfunding is the use of the Web to collect donations or investments from anybody willing to participate.

Crowdfunding started as a means of funding political organizations, then became a method of providing help for individuals in trouble. It eventually began collecting donations and investments for independent films and startup companies.

We help businesses and causes get crowdfunded. Fast and cost effectively. Our crowdfunding consulting team has over 50 years experience in financial service and IT consulting experiene.

As mentioned above, after 2010, start-ups began raising tens of millions of dollars from crowdfunding. These companies often received donations, but many promised a return on the investment, or other rewards, gift, or remuneration. Some have been successful and some have actually delivered ROI.

Although all crowdfunding projects are considered high-risk, it has major advantages over traditional angel investment:

a)Speed of funding process
b)Accessible to more investors (through major Web sites like Kickstarter).
c)Potential profits (huge, but this is offset by major risks).

Today, crowardfunding is an extremely attractive option for aggressive investors, or people who want to invest in new, potentially world-changing ideas. This site will help entrepreneurs understand the three major types of crowdfunds:

Institutional cause or organization
Private Cause
Equity Crowdfunding

Our strength is our ability to draft all necessary documents, and produce media, project postings (on as many as 30 crowdfunding Web sites) and Web site in a matter of days. We use the best experts available, so the fee is not low, but far more affordable than the alternative - an unsuccessful campaign.